Peter enjoying his lunch break © Jane Lunnon
Pauline, Helen and Vera migrated to the top corner of the field, where, using good old tapes and triangulation, they continued plotting the banks which Ruth and Paul had been unable to do last week. Ruth spent most of the day wandering up and down the field, adding all the hachures to the plan previously produced by means of ‘Bob’ and Roger. Roger meanwhile spent his time helping each group in turn with the tricky bits. When the hachuring was complete, Ruth and Roger then recorded the natural features in the very top corner of the field in conjunction with ‘Bob’, (who obviously approved of the better weather). 
Happy workers at the completion of one field's surveying
© Jane Lunnon
By this time everyone else had finished their allotted tasks, so Roger was able to say that this particular field is now completed and next week we move back to the other side of the wall.
Ruth Spencer
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